
All circuits back up whilst we await the conclusion of the carrier's investigations.

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The circuit's been stable for around 10 hours now, so whilst we wait on the carrier to complete their investigation we're going to bring this circuit back into service.

There may be some disruption for a couple of minutes whilst we do so.

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We have just experienced two port flaps in fairly rapid succession on the path between Sovereign House and Volta, which will have caused some brief disruption to traffic in and out of Volta.

We are shutting down the link whilst we open an investigative case with the fibre carrier to prevent any further disruption caused by the path cycling off and on.

Layer 2/3 services are at risk until this path is returned to service.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused by the earlier disruption.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Core Network Functions
    • Layer 2 (SOV)
    • Layer 2 (VLT)
  • Connectivity
    • Backhaul Services